2007년 7월 11일 08시 30분
유베홈피서 멤버쉽카드 만들라왔는데...

어쩔때 사용하는지 궁금...

누가 해석좀여...

Juventus is one of the most prestigious Football Clubs in Italy, well known both nationally and internationally. The primary and most important objective of the club is to fulfil its fans’ best expectations in terms of sport performance. This goal must be reached by promoting ethics in sports and reconciling the economic and professional dimension of modern football with its ethic and social values. This should be achieved by maintaining a style and behaviour appropriate to Juventus’ heritage and respecting its own supporters and, in general, all sports fans.

This Code outlines the Club’s level of expectations towards its Members and defines their role as spokesmen of Juventus’ values.

Recipient of Membership Ethic Code
All Members have to respects this Code. All Members have to be committed to consider this Code as a benchmark for football team supportership.

General Principles
Members, as part of this programme, fully accept this Code’s statements. They will therefore behave in accordance with the principles of this Code. Juventus and its Members are against social discrimination, racism, xenophobia and violence. Juventus, through the behaviour of its Members, promotes a fair and responsible supportership. e responsabile.

Social commitment
Juventus is aware of the social importance of sport and football. Juventus endorses the values of sport (equal opportunities, fair play, socializing) through which it encourages and promotes initiatives for training and social integration within the educational role of football. In regard of both these values and the role in social integration that sport activities hold, Juventus will encourage all Members to promote initiatives with the aim to draw people of all ages closer to football as a show, in order to involve them into a recreational, enjoyable and spectacular moment.

* 춤추는알레님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2007-07-11 10:01)
비안코네리 Lv.6 / 600p
댓글 3 건
프로필 이미지
대충보니 카드에 관련한 양식 같은데요?
그냥 넘어가셔도 될 듯~_~
프로필 이미지
번역기 돌려보세요 ㅋ 대충은 이해 되실수도 ;
프로필 이미지
나도 만들고 싶다 ㅠㅠ
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